
the unassuming.

I try to imagine a world where I'm constantly
and only inspired by God.
It's difficult to even comprehend,
with so many pictures and quotes and all sorts of things
thrown my way each and every day,

Imagining a life where I didn't have all these interactions
(superficial or not), but was inspired daily by pure Truth.
It might not look as pretty,
or feel as special,
or be easily interpreted.

It might not be like a fire-cracker everyday,
it may take more time.

But when it does happen,
its more...real
more full
and more packed with meaning.

The unassuming isn't as easy to find.
It's hidden,
it requires digging,
time and effort.

In a world where time and effort are nonexistent,
the unassuming is even more rare,
more ready to be seen and hunted for.

If that means saying "no" to the silly babbles thrown my way, then I'll do it.
I'm done with inspiration for inspiration's sake,
for "finding things" just to make sure I'm in line with the rest,
that I know what's up.
It's meaningless and fruitless and only makes me more like everyone else than I was before.

So now the tough part is the fight,
the fight to not fall into easy, comforting categories
where I'm fed by pictures and sentences.

It's time to fall back in with the True Source of all that is creative and good and pure.

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