

"The truly contemplative heart has a passion and wildness that can celebrate the 
magic of God. Yet it knows that this is but a passing visitation and it has learned 
to distinguish emotion and presence. The contemplative heart also learns to 
love emptiness and absence because it believes that the beauty of God can only 
be glimpsed through the most severe lens of truth. 

When you are in the presence of a contemplative person, you can sense this. An 
atmosphere of stillness and a sense of clarity remind you who you are and recall 
your heart to the gentle wonder of the divine. There is subtle and refined beauty 
bequeathed by a life of prayer."
- John O'Donohue

Y'know...prayer is much more difficult than it seems at first glance.
And a life of prayer,
that's just ridiculous.
It takes so much more discipline than just floating about
with love in your heart
and good intentions to all you meet.


Leaving the thought of time behind.


beach & brilliance.

(click to make bigger.)

seriously, the prettiest beach (and really place) I've ever been...

"It is, though, certain that both theological work 
and real pastoral fellowship can only grow in a life 
which is governed by gathering round the Word
 morning and evening and by fixed times of prayer."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

^This man is brilliant.
Reading this book about him...and it's just ridiculous.

to be that brave
and to stand up to such a tyrant.
..and to be so prophetic in happenings
that everyone doubts you.

i just can't imagine.