
It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
John 6:63



Lately I've been figuring myself out; how to be truly me all of the time. And finding out who God has made me to be is freeing and also a little scary. Parts of me aren't the most attractive or "cool," but I know that we all have something different about us; something inexplicable that ultimately shows a part of Jesus when we let it out. I wish I could say I knew exactly what that was for myself, or others, but I don't. I just know that when I am truly myself, who He has made to be, that quality shines forth.
I read somewhere that we as people/Christians have this idea that we must become/improve in every are that we are lacking. We're always striving to be that "perfect person," having every quality that seems noble. That's quite a strain.. I think that yes, people have things that they have to work on in their life, we're never perfect, but adopting this "idea" is saying that you don't need anyone else. There's a reason we're different, and we can feed off of each other in our weaknesses. We learn from each other and lean on each other when we're in a situation that we're not equipped to handle.
It takes time for all these Jesus-qualities to develop in a person, so one day we'll all be like Him, it's just gonna take a while..


The strain and longing,
they huff and give.

Thought comes
and seems so right.

A thought with an origin of low;
instilled all the same.

But more and more
is gone from them,
Try, strip.

Just beyond,
hope fading--still present.

Questions arise,
Hope to smash.

But all seems gone,
the feeling felt.

Though they know
they fake a smile.

Too late, who they were is gone
Who they were made to be is scoffed.

Lost in that thought,
unable to see their light.