
hello again, hawaii.

Well it's been a while since I've really updated on here; 
so I'm sorry if anyone was checking for such.

But I now have news to report so, here it goes:

I will be returning to Hawaii this April to help staff a School of Biblical Studies.
I loved my SBS that I did in '08-'09 (although extremely tough),
and now I've decided to help out with this particular school.

One of my fellow students is leading this school and she's changing things up a bit.
It's basically the same school but she's infused minor things here and there that I'm excited to be a part of.

I'll be in Honolulu (O'ahu) beginning the middle of March,

and then we fly to Kona (Hawai'i, the big island) in August.

After a little break in December I have the opportunity to go on outreach to Japan.
At this point I'm planning on going through with it if funds allow...
If anyone would like to help me in my endeavor to teach the Inductive Bible Study method
to the people of Japan (not sure where yet), then let me know.
Anything would be appreciated. :)

I will be leading a small group, one-on-ones and just be there when the students need me.
I'll also be grading their work and hopefully encouraging them to keep at it.
I have to teach one book of the New Testament, not sure which one yet, 
but I'll definitely have to do a lot of preparation for that!

So, I'm quite excited to be back with YWAM
and definitely in a new role this time.

Let me know if you want to visit,
I may be able to work something out!


bbeihl said...

Sounds like God is moving in your life. That blesses me real good!

krista said...

Thanks Grandpa; glad to hear it! And just let me know if you two want to visit! :)