

"Old age and aging is a time of great gathering and sifting and reaping the rewards of forgotten 
and neglected experience. This is possible for everyone..

Contemporary society worships youth, it worships strength, it worships image; it has a whole ideology 
of externality and it has no refined sense of the subtlety of the soul, the secrecy of the heart and 
 especially it has no sensitivity of these interim regions where the great gatherings happen in human life."

john o'donohue

Been thinking on this..
hating the fact that I subscribe to contemporary thinking a lot of times.

But it's always bothered me the way older generations are treated,
and the way that they're dismissed so often as not having value or a worthy opinion.

Most of the time I think it's just because their opinion is full of the wisdom that's gained and not just found,
which in turn makes those who desire it jealous and sometimes apt to making the wiser feel silly with dismissal.

But also I think that people don't want to take time with someone who they 
don't feel will tell them exactly what they want to hear.
People don't want to hear what wisdom would say in their decisions; 
they only want justification to keep doing the things they are doing and progress from there.

It's just sad then that the people who could be helping you grow 
and have a fuller view of life are cast off like nothing.

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