
book review of anna karenina.

Anna KareninaAnna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Coming into this book with really no knowledge of what it was about, or much about Russian literature in general, I was extremely surprised and happy about how much I enjoyed it.

There are many story lines going on and at some points they don't quite seem to line up, but the brilliance of it all is how they come together in the end. The contrast of the two relationships, the meaning in which both couples take their lives, and life in general just makes this book so easy to relate to.

What is most impressive about this book is the subtlety in which the meaning is written, which is why it is so long, but Tolstoy is still able to establish such a profound impact from seemingly abstract details of day-to-day lives.

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This really was a brilliant book; I would definitely recommend it.
I just wish there were more books so well thought out and thoroughly researched. You can't just read and few pages and figure it out because there's so much that goes on that you couldn't account for. It just makes it all seem so much more real, because that is more how life is. Not just a story written in a day, from one point of view and with one meaning or gem or wisdom.

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