
Ending and Beginning

So, I've finished up with my 2nd quarter of SBS (woo!) and I've already plunged into the 3rd quarter here now. It's crazy how time really has flown by even though I really didn't think that it would.

It was a hard quarter last quarter, I'm not gonna lie, but I know that I grew a lot. Actually the other day someone asked me how my class was going and I gave the regular response of "well we have a lot of work and it gets stressful but it's good." Then later I was thinking about it and I don't think I can describe the understatement that was. I was kind of upset that I answered so terribly about it later...

So I've just been thinking about this class, all that I've learned, and what I came here to learn. I wanted to know God more, to understand the God of the New Testament AND the Old Testament not as 2 separate gods. And I have, definitely. I've seen God's love throughout the OT in ways that I didn't think I would, I didn't think that I'd find His love in the sacrifices that I felt He forced on them, no, it was totally opposite. It was all out of love, all of it, to be close to His people. And as far as me knowing God more, definitely as well. I've learned to talk to Him and go to Him when I'm having problems or whenI don't understand something. Really releasing my prayers to Him and fully trusting has made our relationship so much stdeeper and substantial to me. I'm trying to go to Him because I want to go to Him, just to be. Not to pray because I have a need, and it's so hard to get out of that mindset.

I guess what I'm saying is that I've learned that God IS everything. Everything in my life...my present my future. All that I am is from Him. He's the beginning of everything and the end; He controls it all.

I don't know how to describe God anymore (after just trying ^^there). I know all the words to say because I've heard them so often, but He's so much more than the words can describe. Wow, that's cliche, but honestly what do I say about Him?

So good, so great, so unbelievable.





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