
I'm learning that there's no use in me worrying over things that I don't know or understand...

Since I've been back here we've studied John, Revelation, Matthew, and this week we're preparing to teach.
I absolutely loved John, it was such a personal book and I really feel like I've come to know Jesus better through it. It wasn't just, Jesus did this and then He did this, and then He did this, but it went inside Jesus and His ministry and why He did things and even how He felt. So, I couldn't have asked for anything more than that! Revelation was very interesting; definitely controversial in areas so now I don't really know what to believe, but I know a lot more about it now that I did before. I've just come to the conclusion that we'll never know exactly what was mean by Revelation, but that God will reveal what He wants me to know through the book when He wants to.

So now this week we're teaching in churches and on the base here, and of course I'm a little nervous. I'm a little bit excited, surprisingly, but I have to speak for 20-30 minutes so I'm just hoping I have enough things to say! We'll be teaching the inductive method of studying that we use in my school, and I will be showing people just how to observe the text. This is actually my favorite part of the whole process so that's exciting, but I'm just praying that it's not me speaking but God. I'm not an eloquent speaker, but I want this to touch people like it has me, studying the word for what it says, and I know that I can't do it on my own. If you think of it, please pray that I wouldn't be teaching out of my heart but of His.
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